Progress - ish!

The job situation is progressing. I finally got my DBS clearance.

The school sent the forms for my job references to the referees I chose on 18th April. They received the first one back on 22nd April. I had my interview on the 26th and was offered the post immediately, pending my other references and DBS check. They said I could start before the DBS check arrives, as long as they receive the references from my previous employer and line manager too.

Unfortunately, my previous employer didn’t acknowledge receiving the form or inform my line manager that I had chosen him as a referee. I met him at my uncle’s funeral and he told me they hadn’t contacted him. I asked the school to contact him directly, and he sent them a reference immediately.

Even after dedicating 32 years of my life to the company, my ex employer couldn’t be bothered to fill out a reference form for me. Finally, I got it by going to Liverpool and asking for it myself. I was given a poor excuse that the admin dept had been dragging their feet. I was given the reference that had been sitting in someone’s out tray. It seems that it had been printed out instead of being emailed!?

I looked at it, and the only sections filled in, were my start and finish dates. It was interesting to note that someone signed and dated the form, which had been neglected for a month, as if it were completed today 23rd May .

Their failure to send the second reference resulted in the loss of a month’s worth of work and salary. I’m not happy. The school is now closed for half-term holidays until 3rd June, so I don’t expect to get an actual start date until then.

But then again there’s no use crying over spilt milk. Luckily I’m used to living like a pauper, so another month without money won’t make too much difference to me.

In other news, I entered my three paintings for the upcoming WAF Open Exhibition. Hopefully, at least one will get chosen. Although my imposter syndrome tells me I’ll get rejected. (I just don’t think I’m pretentious enough to be a successful artist). I’ll find out somewhere around the 10th June. fingers crossed anyway.


Meh! I’m out…


You’ve picked these