At the time of writing this, Kieran Gallimore has 50 subscribers to his YouTube Channel “BIMBLISM”. In each of his videos he “Bimbles” along on his second-hand bike, around the North-West and that’s it really… Just a fella on a bike. But wait! There’s more to Bimblism than that. Kieran also imparts his knowledge of the history of the places he visits on his journeys. For instance. Did you know that in the 1700s Parkgate was once a thriving port and was the first stop for ships leaving Holyhead for Dublin? Or that Hale Head Lighthouse used to be the most southerly point of Lancashire, but it’s now in Halton, or that they sold it off for £1100 when it was decommissioned in 1958.
But if interesting snippets of local history aren’t enough for you then maybe the music that accompanies the videos will get you to subscribe to his channel. I spent ages trying to find out who the artist was, before I realised it was Kieran himself in the Guise of ‘Specs’ or his ex band ‘Bill Davro’. I’ve added a couple of links to songs below.
Give him a follow on Youtube he only needs 950 more followers before he can start making some money from his videos.