A Brief Flirt with YouTube


Back in 2014, I was working a job, in a place I’d been for 30 years. Debt and depression were the only reason I was there. The longer I worked there, the more depressed I became. The more depressed I became, the deeper into debt I got. This job was the accurate definition of a vicious circle.

Anyway. My main escape from the drudgery of work was my art, but as the depression got worse, so did my artists block. Then one day I did a bit of a blog on my phone.

So this video was just me sitting there talking to my phone.

Watching it later on, I realised I was still depressed but at the time I thought I had got over my madness of 2009 but obviously I hadn’t. READ MY MAD BLOG HERE.

The one with the SOUP. Somehow, I wasn’t as depressed doing this one. I put a bit of effort into the production. I was still whinging about being “devoid of any imagination”, though.

By the time I got round to doing this masterpiece, I obviously thought I was Alfred Hitchcock or someone. But in reality I was just making it up as i went along. I’m sorry I didn’t plan it out, really. I know I could make it so much better now.

So this shit show makes me think i was going mad again. I just couldn’t stop talking a massive stream of shite.

I know I spelt commissions wrong but didn’t realise until after I put the video up. And of course I didn’t end up doing the artwork I had promised to my friend Carly. … Sorry Carly :(

Episode 5. I am feeling sorry for myself in this one and it’s just a load of waffle. But Ray makes a brief appearance as himself, so it’s worth watching.

This is actually sarcasm. It’s not me. It’s just some unfortunate fella who (happens to) look like me.

So I got a new camera. It was a GoPro 3 and the sound quality was abysmal. It was too late to record it all again, so I left it like it is. I’m sorry.

Finally, I ended up doing some art and putting it in a show. It didn’t sell obviously. I still have it to this day and I have painted nothing else since.

So that concluded my brief journey into the world of YouTube Vlogging. I know I can make videos a lot better than this now. I’m actually halfway through a video editing course as I write this, so maybe you’ll see some more videos from me on YouTube in the future.

In the November of the following year, I got told I was being made redundant from the job I hated.

Since that day I haven’t had depression. I haven’t had an anti-depressant.

I have got no debt; I have hardly any money but I’m HAPPY!


You CAN teach an old dog new tricks!
